Designated under Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act, Centers for Independent Living (CILs) have been supporting and empowering individuals with disabilities across the country since 1973. The first CIL in Michigan, the fourth in the nation, was established in Ann Arbor. Today, there are 15 CILs across the state with the mission of removing barriers for people with disabilities and promoting self-sufficiency, as well as creating inclusive and accessible communities.
The independent living philosophy focuses on the fundamental civil rights of all individuals with disabilities, advocating for their autonomy to make personal decisions, exert control over their lives, and experience equal participation and inclusion within society.
CILs are unique in that they are community-based, private non-profits governed and staffed predominately by people with disabilities—at least 50% of those employed with each center are individuals with disabilities. This composition ensures that the staff deeply understands the challenges faced by those they assist. Rooted in the core belief of self-help and equal opportunity, CILs offer a range of supports to individuals, working in partnership with them to achieve their goals which often include increased independence, connections to and greater participation in their community, and self-sufficiency. CILs also serve as excellent resources for families, caregivers, businesses, community organizations, and state and local government.
By embodying the very principles they promote, the state’s 15 CILs are dedicated advocates, actively increasing inclusivity and accessibility in all Michigan communities and beyond.
While each CIL works to address the needs of its communities and service areas, they all work together as a unified network dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities and assisting local communities embrace inclusivity. All 15 CILs are committed to fostering a more equitable society where every voice is heard and every individual is valued. CILs serve people of all ages and all disabilities from the most western corner of the Upper Peninsula to the most eastern corner of the Lower Peninsula and everywhere in between. This means that if you have a disability or have a loved one, friend, or neighbor with a disability, there is help available, no matter where you live in Michigan.
The most identified barriers to reaching independence for individuals with disabilities are the lack of accessible housing, employment, transportation, assistive technology, and home health care. Michigan’s CILs work directly with individuals to overcome these barriers, while at the same time advocating for the elimination of these barriers at the local and state levels of government.
We are all familiar with the famous phrase, “There’s no place like home.” We are all more comfortable in the place we call “home,” especially when it comes to recovering from an injury or illness. While receiving care at home is often the preference for many, a disability may make it more challenging to return home. You may need short- or long-term modifications to your home, such as ramps to enter or grab bars in your shower to prevent further injury. CILs staff are trained and ready to assist you achieve your goal of returning home, as well as helping you navigate your home safely.
Disability is a natural part of the human experience. Whether an individual’s disability occurs at birth or later in life, it is necessary to do things differently. CILs can help navigate the different and unknown. Many times, the staff have navigated similar journeys themselves.
Michigan’s CILs provide support and resources to ensure individuals with disabilities retain their rights to make their own choices and CILs advocate to raise awareness that a disability does not revoke those rights.
To learn more about Michigan’s 15 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and their state-wide association, Disability Network/Michigan, as well as to find a CIL near you, please visit