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Palliative Care

request for applications flyer

Application Now Closed

The Michigan Center for Rural Health in partnership with Stratis Health will support a group of five rural Michigan communities that have been selected to be part of a two-year project to develop or strengthen palliative care services in their communities.  

Participants in the Cultivating Comfort: Enhancing Palliative Care in Rural Michigan Project will include community teams of interdisciplinary representatives from rural hospitals, clinics, home health agencies, nursing homes, hospice programs, tribal health, and other community organizations.

The community teams can have differing levels of experience with palliative care. All the teams will share a commitment to participate and a willingness to devote staff and resources to palliative care efforts.

Project Timeline

Roles and Benefits

Review Criteria

Application Questions

PDF Flyer

Webinar Flyer Palliative Care RFA

Informational Webinar Recording Available

Participants will receive a variety of services and resources free of charge from MCRH, including:

  • Training and consultation to develop an action plan for implementing/enhancing palliative care services in their community
  • Facilitated educational and visioning workshops conducted with community partners to develop a plan for palliative care services in their community
  • A primary liaison designated to connect the community team with program resources and expertise
  • Individual follow up and support

While there is no fee to participate, participating organizations must commit resources and staff to the initiative. The success of this initiative for rural communities and individual care providers depends on the mutual commitment and collaborative efforts of both MCRH and the participating organizations, beginning January 2025 and continuing through December 2026.

PDF Flyer

Webinar Slides

Webinar Recording

Phase 1

Partnering for Rural Palliative Care Development

The Michigan Center for Rural Health (MCRH) is proud to partner with Stratis Health, a longstanding collaborator with over a decade of experience supporting rural communities in developing and implementing palliative care services. Together, MCRH and Stratis Health aim to bring a proven framework for program development to five rural Michigan communities, empowering them to create sustainable and locally driven palliative care solutions.

A Community-Centered Approach

Our approach is built on engaging each community to identify their unique goals and leverage local capacity, ensuring teams are positioned for successful implementation. To support this effort, MCRH will first conduct a state-level assessment and establish an advisory group to guide and inform the initiative.

Implementation Overview

Phase 1: State-Level Assessment & Engagement:  June 2024-December 2024
In the first phase, MCRH engaged a diverse range of partners and stakeholders to form a Rural Palliative Care Advisory Council. This council will include representatives from State agencies, Professional associations, Advocacy organizations, Healthcare systems, and Academic institutions. The advisory group will complete an environmental scan of current state based palliative care programs and related
activities, opportunities, and challenges related to the implementation of rural community-based palliative care.  This will include review and consideration for opportunities to better support access to high-quality palliative care in rural MI through workforce development and skill building, reimbursement, and public awareness.

Develop recommendations to help address infrastructure needs such as workforce training, technology support, the payment environment for palliative care, and/or address state legislation, rules, or regulations that either hinder or advance the ability of rural providers in supporting community-based palliative care services. This foundational phase sets the stage for impactful community-driven palliative care solutions in rural Michigan.

Advisory Council Roster

Environmental Scan


Questions? Contact

Amanda St. Martin

Hospital Programs Manager



Aleah Huse

Rural Health Projects Assistant