CFO/Finance Annual Spring and Fall meetings - 2025 Dates Coming Soon!
MI FLEX Program
The Michigan Center for Rural Health provided financial and operational resources as a part of the the MI FLEX Program to Critical Access Hospitals across Michigan.
Lean Projects
Departntal projects focusing on using lean concepts and tools to understand the current state, identify and eliminate the waste, and develop a future state.
Lean Green Belt Training
Practical Lean Manager Training – a comprehensive leader development program. Participants learn the process and techniques of establishing and sustaining operational excellence and overall continuous improvement.
Revenue Cycle
Avoid delayed and/or lost revenue
Performance Improvement Collective (PIC)
The healthcare industry has long been siloed between quality and finance which has led to operational inefficiencies, negative outcomes, and poor financial performance. These have often been siloed into a Revenue Cycle Committee and Quality Improvement Committee. Top performing CAHs have realized that quality has a direct impact on financial performance and financial performance has a direct impact on quality initiatives.This engagement focuses on breaking down the barriers between finance and quality by establishing a single performance improvement collective (PIC) to drive financial and operational performance.
PIC Workplan
Review of Past Project(s)
PIC Swing Bed Project
Contact for more information.
Recent Finance Related Webinars
Navigating Medicare Advantage: Strategies for MI Rural Hospitals
The Flex Program | Flex Monitoring Team
FMT work focuses on three main topic areas for rural communities: quality improvement, financial and operational improvement, and community engagement. FMT conducts analyses evaluating the Flex Program, collects and tracks state-level CAH data, maintains a national listing of CAHs, and maintains and updates the CAHMPAS database, an online data query tool used to explore the financial, quality, and community-benefit performance of CAHs.
Support – CAHMPAS – Flex Monitoring Team
The link above provides a guide & tutorial, definitions, and FAQs of FMTs tools available
Michigan: Performance on selected Financial Indicators compared to national benchmarks.
Provides a wealth of information, opportunities, and resources on rural health. RHIhub strives to help improve rural healthcare services and population health.
Home - NRHA (
The National Rural Health Association is a nonprofit membership organization that gathers members from across the country. Their mission is to lead on rural health issues through advocacy, communication, education, and research.
National Rural Health Resource Center
Financial and Operational Improvement | National Rural Health Resource Center
Explore a range of financial and operational resources featuring best practices and strategies to enhance financial performance and optimize operational efficiency.
Critical Access Hospital Financial Sustainability Guide
Support and guidance for CAHs in maintaining long-term financial stability
Strategies for Critical Access Hospitals to Address Outmigration
This technical assistance guide was created as a resource to support Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Programs, as well as leaders of critical access hospitals (CAHs) and rural health clinics (RHCs), in developing strategies to understand the causes of market share loss and address outmigration—defined as patients choosing to receive healthcare services at facilities outside their local community.
FY23 Update Small Rural Hospital and Clinic Finance 101_11.pdf
Updated guide and answers to frequently asked regarding CAH, PPS, and RHC finance and financial performance.
Hospital Price Transparency Resources
CMS Final Rule
Each year the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) release updates to the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and the Outpatient Prospective Payment and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment Systems (OPPS) final rules. The final rules, update the payment policies and payment rates for the current fiscal year.
Current Year IPPS Final Rule CY 2025
Federal Register :: Medicare Program; Changes to the Fiscal Year 2025 Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Rates Due to Court Decision
Current Year OPPS Final Rule