NMORC exists to help grow Recovery Capital across our region. Recovery Capital refers to the resources available for anyone experiencing a substance use disorder (SUD) – whether that is a person actively using substances inappropriately or their family, friends, and community. Thankfully, resources are offered in our region, but more are needed. While we work to build more support for the recovery community, NMORC focuses on sharing best practices, providing technical assistance to individuals and organizations, and conducting community conversations to stretch what we have and assist more people.
Many people think the opposite of addiction is recovery. But that is a misconception, the opposite of addiction is connection. Recovery capital includes creating and maintaining support systems as well as the key step of connecting people in need to resources available. Providing a continuum of care across prevention, treatment, and recovery is central to helping people stay on a healthier and happier path.
Learn more about community partners NMORC engages with to support the recovery community in Northern Michigan.
Learn more about what recovery capital is an how the NMORC team is utilizing it in Northern Michigan.
Joyce Fetrow
NMORC Project Director