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Orange icon: bean shapePatient Education and Engagement 

Kidney Pathways

New interactive education platform from the National Kidney Foundation that uses an online kidney health assessment tool to provide a curated learning pathway for people at any stage of CKD:

Learn More

Are You the 33%?

Kidney Health Quiz

"Take a minute" in text next to a mid aged woman with short curly hair on an orange background. Below that on a white background the following text "to find out if you're at risk for kidney disease. Take the QUIZ

PATH (Personal Action Toward Health)

The PATH program helps people better manage their long-term health conditions while being led by two trained leaders, at least one of whom has a long-term health condition. Participants learn strategies to deal with pain, fatigue, and difficult emotions. Each week participants create personal action plans and set practical, achievable goals. Distance learning options for PATH include: video conference, self-led with phone support, and virtual learning online.

Orange icon: bean shapeWho should participate:

Adults with chronic or ongoing health conditions including arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, emphysema, asthma, kidney disease, obesity, and depression.
Family members, friends, and caregivers of someone with a chronic condition are also encouraged to attend.
Caregivers interested in caring for their own health.


Types of PATH Workshops:

Diabetes PATH

Kidney PATH

High Blood Pressure (HBP) Control

Chronic Disease PATH


PATH en Espanol

“I have lost 40 pounds applying all the lessons learned in these sessions and eliminated quite a bit of lower back and knee pain! My A1C is good. If I can do it, I can’t wait to help others get here! Small steps add up.” (PATH participant)

Affording your type 2 diabetes care

Patient Cost Assistance Toolkit

NKFM PATH Program Referral Forms 

Healthy Living Programs Flyer

NKFM Programs Referral Flyer Fillable


PDF available


Questions? Contact

Jill Oesterle
Director of Provider Solutions

For Technical Assistance 

Mary Wozniak
Program Manager
National Kidney Foundation of Michigan

This toolkit was developed in partnership with the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan (NKFM)

National Kidney Foundation of Michigan with orange kidney shape