The Michigan Center for Rural Health (MCRH) supports Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) through the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Grant Program (FLEX Program). FLEX offers states grants to help implement initiatives to strengthen the rural healthcare infrastructure, focusing on quality reporting and improvement, financial and operational improvement, emergency medical service integration, and population health management.
The Critical Access Hospital Conference is designed to bring together Michigan CAH Leadership, including CEOs, CFOs, CNOs, and Directors of Patient Safety and Quality.
The objectives for this conference include:
101: The Landscape of Rural Health: Election Edition
102: Optimizing Swing Beds through Performance Improvement
103: Veterans Care in the Community
104: Building Office Culture and Morale
105: Rural EMS: Highlights, Struggles, and Ideas for the Future
202: Financial Planning: The Key to Hospital Strategic Plan Execution
Michigan Center for Rural Health
Administrative Assistant
Renee Calkins
Education Manager